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Admission guide


ACTS - Undergraduate cycle




Come and spend a morning at ACTS!
Contact us! Several dates available.​



​​Jury members of the admission committee are :

- Frédéric Audegond, general director

- Pasqualina Noel, artistic & pedagogic director

How to apply:

1 - Online registration by clicking on ‘Audition’ :

2 - Candidates must hold a diploma of middle-school level (A-Level, Abitur, Maturita...) and show a fair command in classical and contemporary dance.


3 - Successful candidates who have been declared eligible will be invited to audition. Auditions take place at the school in Paris, during activities with ACTS students, on a date decided by mutual agreement in april or may 2025.

The audition consists of a technical class. The candidate then presents a contemporary variation of their choice and talks to the jury about their background, their motivations, etc.

Only eligible candidates can participate.

Application deadline - 23 may 2025

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by email:



Administrative conditions for successful candidates:

Application fee: 1300 € for the 3 years of the programme, to be paid in full on signing the training contract
Tuition fees : 5 400 € /year

Method of payment:
The student accepted at the entrance exam must confirm his/her admission and return the signed contract to ACTS within 7 days after the exam date, with payment of the application fee: 1300 €.

Tuition fees are paid in 2 installments:
- 2700 € on 1st July

- 2700 € on 1st September

The contractual conditions and payment deadlines are specified in the ACTS internal rules and regulations and are brought to the attention of admitted candidates. Non-payment of the totality of the tuition fees will result in the impossibility of following the training.
Payments are made by bank transfer (ACTS bank details provided on request)


Re-enrollment ESC2 & ESC3:
Students admitted to ACTS must confirm their re-registration to the next level before 31 March each year.
In order to harmonise the management of ACTS and to guarantee their place in the training, a pre-payment of 1000 € for the coming season is required before March 31st by students who continue their training at ACTS.


ACTS / École de danse contemporaine de Paris®

Établissement privé d'enseignement supérieur

UAI 0755735B

Le diplôme d'établissement de ACTS n'est pas un diplôme de l'Éducation nationale, ni un titre RNCP.

Nomenclature du diplôme d'établissement de ACTS :

  • 9020321 / "Certificat d'école en Arts - Bac à Bac+3" - niveau 1ᵉʳ cycle supérieur / Certificat de niveau 6 (Fr./UE)

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